Tuesday, November 18, 2008

summarised structure

Summarised competition structure for the Reality show

From the first two rounds 25 torch bearers will be selected for a final round which has been conceived as a television reality show. this round will be held in three stages.

1. Art as Expression: is a two day round held at an archaeological site which will have Nandana Sen posing against a scriptural panel and a live musical + dance performance. The contestants will be asked to work within their mediums and capture the event as a cultural situation. They will be briefed to story tell and explore out of the box narrative structures.

2.Art as Function: The twenty five torch bearers are then flown to Mumbai and taken to a bare warehouse like space. They are explained that modular structures are available for them through which their work desks and living areas can be constructed. In a hidden camera situation, the participants are asked to decide how the group and the individuals want their living and work spaces. Each participant is to submit a design of their work spaces, living areas and collectively submit a design for their screening/ interaction centres.

2.Art and the Lived Environment: The third stage of the competition is a community based workshop will be an interface between the artistic activity and the general public.
The contestants are then divided into 5 groups based on the mediums they practice.
A community, will be taken into confidence and told that an art/aesthetic intervention will take place in their community. 25 contestants moving around as five teams will interact with them and execute creative projects.

The groups in consultation with their mentors and the present jury members are asked to create an engagement with the community. The parameters given will be that these engagements should be done in a creative manner through participation in form of dialogues around beauty, form, function, context and audience.
The five teams are supposed to interact among themselves and the community on an everyday basis where they are to take up public spaces like shop interiors, facades, community gathering squares.
The participants are to get into a dialogue with the concerned individual members (the owners of the sites) not only to secure their permission but also to conceive and execute projects with an active aesthetic interchange with them.

On the 10th day, an ‘open day’ will be organised in which the city at large will be invited to view the project, and the members of the community will have a special interactive session with the finalists.

On the day of the Grand Finale during the prize distribution, the participants will be brought on to the stage along with their mentors, the jury members. It will be an explanation of the judging process with brisk clippings of their respective artworks and interactions that happened during the community art social experiment. The audience will also be shown the works they submitted for their qualifying rounds.
Apart from a night of judging and giving away of the prizes, this mega cultural event will have the best of performances by troupes, singers and bands.


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